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Is Money the Only Thing That Makes the World Go Round?

Writer: Mariaan SmitMariaan Smit

With high inflation, debt crisis, and financial instability as a norm worldwide, financial freedom almost seems impossible. Money has become the motivation behind most endeavors, even doing something you truly enjoy seems only valued when it has a price tag.

Sadly, people often spend large amounts of money they don't enjoy earning just to exchange it for the opportunity to admire someone else living their dream.

Why fear dreaming big if life itself is but a dream within a dream? 

Being told most of our lives to rather do what is needed instead of what we truly desire is a road paved in regret. Not only is life on this spinning ball way too short to be stuck in an everyday routine that you hate, but even paving that path in gold, will not result in the harmonic contentment you crave. If most of your time is spent rushing, overthinking, and fueled by anxiety, the outcome can’t be any different. 

We are what we do. Money does not make the world go round, You do. 
Self Reflection

Our thoughts, our actions, and most importantly what we spend our time on collectively, makes the world go round. Time is the only commodity that matters. Money is indeed needed to create a healthy life, of safety and security, but that does not mean it should get the power to control your choices. You control your money, it has no power without you. 

If money is what motivates you in life, that drive will be as fleeting as the rate it seems to fall out of everyone's hands. Striving for abundance is not the same as trying to get rich schemes or choosing projects or career opportunities only for the coin. 

Abundance, like opportunities for innovation and growth, is limitless.

Financial freedom and true abundance go beyond the money in your bank account. It's about living each day in a way that feels fulfilling, vibrant, and truly alive. Everyone's paths are unique and therefore, everyone will have their own way to flow into a state of abundance.

Any skill can be taught, but passion and motivation are innate qualities within each person.

Passion is as mystical as life itself, a profound force that ignites our deepest desires and drives us to pursue our dreams with unwavering intensity.  

Money is everywhere and, in my opinion, one of the easier things to acquire. The real challenge for most people is creating a life full of genuine abundance that they truly enjoy living.

In the life of a freelance writer or author, whether working on novels or blog content, motivation is the key to true success. It is essential for completing projects and overcoming the inevitable obstacles along the way.

How to Keep Your Motivation and Passion Burning Bright—Without Focusing on Money

Make the most of your time. You are more than just your skills or what you can exchange for money.

This moment, this thought, this action—this is all that exists right now, at least for the duration of your experience. You are more than your skills, and talents.

You are energy in motion, consuming and transforming time as we know it.

Why would you settle for just money?

Time is all we truly have, and living by overextending yourself through worry and anxiety isn't the only way to spend it. Believe it or not, you have the power to make infinite choices.

Time Is a Commodity

Believe in the infinite possibilities and opportunities that await you.

Scrolling through job offers and getting empty offers can drain your energy and motivation. Don't run in circles only to end up back at the starting line. There is always a way to get to where you want if you believe there are infinite paths to success. The only thing you need is the drive to truly want it. Even in the financial mess and poverty pitfall of the modern world, there is an inevitable outcome.

Stop waiting for some organization or a more successful person to be your hero, and become that yourself. You are more than what others praise you for, you are infinate abundance itself.

Don’t settle for a project or career that leaves you feeling trapped and without choices, the future is not something to fear.

“Know Thyself”

The best way to keep the flame of passion and motivation alive is to understand who you are and what you truly want out of life. There is no ‘one-way’ feel good trick that fits all, even though society constantly pushes everyone to fit one tiny box.

Break free from the rat race and find your place in the sun, even if you have to build your own.

Every day is a new opportunity to live in a way that nurtures your mind, body, and soul. I think at the root of it, we all desire the same things in life: safety, security, love, and lots of laughs; whether we try to acquire it with money or time well spent.

"There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path."

Self Reflection

Choices should never feel like a burden, especially when it comes to achieving financial freedom. To have choices is freedom itself and of course, fear will be a part of that. Especially when being a freelance writer, you will constantly have to face the fears of rejection and failure. 

I’d rather face the fears of the unknown than be stuck on a path that ends in the inevitable struggle it started with.

Fear does not have the power to steal motivation. I don’t think anything can truly bliss the flames of true passion. 

For more tips on keeping your dreams alive check out this blog!


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